Launch of the Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

29th July, 2024

The Perth and Kinross LHEES Strategy has now been published and sets out our vision, priorities and delivery plan for progressing towards our net zero ambitions over the next 25 years, providing a short term set of delivery actions to support local area energy planning and strategic investment decisions over the next 5 years. Our Vision is:

Vision for our LHEES

LHEES Live Delivery Plans will be further informed and be informed by our Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) providing a single, integrated delivery plan to consider the whole energy system alongside heat decarbonisation. The Perth and Kinross LAEP (2024 - 2045) outlines a vision for a net-zero carbon energy system and recommendations for achieving our 2045 targets through actions targeting generation through to demand.

To make sure we can achieve our vision we will work towards five main priorities outlined in our LHEES and LAEP:

LHEES Strategic Priorities

• Improving buildings’ energy efficiency aiming for affordable warmth and regulatory compliance

• Decarbonising heat within a transitioning energy system focusing on heat networks and heat pumps.

LAEP Strategic Priorities

• Reduce transport.

• Decarbonise Transport

• Deploy local renewable generation

LHEES and LAEP priority sectors
Councillor Richard Watters, convener of Perth and Kinross Council's Climate Change and Sustainability Committee said: "Energy Efficiency and heat decarbonisation are core elements of the energy transition to Net Zero by 2045 tackling climate and biodiversity emergencies. To achieve this means all building owners in Perth and Kinross will need to do their part to cut their emissions. This strategy details how we as a Council area will approach this challenge"

Our LHEES and LAEP is now available on the Perth and Kinross Climate Action website. The LHEES/LAEP Delivery Plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure partners are able to respond flexibly to changes in need across Perth and Kinross particularly how actions would be funded. If you have any questions or input you wish to provide about the LHEES or LAEP please email [email protected]