Perth and Kinross Climate and Nature Pledge

22nd November, 2022

Perth & Kinross Council have designed a climate and nature pledge to help and inspire everyone to tackle the climate change and biodiversity loss crises together. Your climate actions can reduce carbon emissions and help us reach net zero, making Perth and Kinross a greener place to live, work and visit. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world and more than 1 in 10 of our species are currently at risk of extinction. However, you can help our species by undertaking positive action. With lots of people taking individual climate actions we can help make change on a larger scale.

The pledge launched in November 2022 and will be open to the public for the foreseeable future. In 2023 we plan to undertake further engagement with the public to gauge the success of the pledge.

If you are looking for support and inspiration to undertake actions you sign up to, please visit our Take Action section of the website for more details.