Biodiversity Enhancement and Nature Networks Engagement

12th July, 2024

Perth & Kinross Council is currently looking for input to nature network mapping and how development can deliver biodiversity enhancement. The Council is looking to tailor its approach to the local area, its wildlife, habitats and communities.

Biodiversity enhancement is a new requirement for most developments in national planning policy. How much enhancement should be provided and where, should reflect the needs of local ecology and people. Nature Networks are also a requirement and will be produced as lines on a map connecting nature rich sites. Developers are expected to protect and enhance these networks. To ensure Nature Networks provide the most value the Council would like to know where they should go (and where they shouldn’t), where the nature rich sites, restoration projects and restoration opportunities are that will provide the scaffolding for them.

Consultation is open until 18 August and open to everyone. We would particularly like to hear from landowners who have or are carrying out nature restoration on their land who see the benefit of connecting with other similar projects.

To contribute to the discussion go to Nature Networks and Biodiversity Enhancement - Perth & Kinross Council Citizen Space - Citizen Space (