Community Feedback Workshop - Blairgowrie
St Catharine's Centre, George Street, Blairgowrie | FREE
Have your say in making your home more energy efficient.
As part of a Perth & Kinross-wide project, the Council, in partnership with the Heat Project, the University of Edinburgh, and Nicki Souter Associates, would like your community feedback on two main proposals. The first is a "one-stop-shop" for residents to connect with local experts who are able and qualified to recommend, plan and carry out home improvement works and how this could work for your community and for Perth & Kinross as a whole. For the second proposal we would like to learn what residents would need and want from free-to-use online Knowledge Hub which focuses on home energy efficiency advice.
Join us at the St Catharine's Centre on the 22 January at 10am. The session will run to 12pm, with a light lunch for all participants provided free of charge. Please book your place using the link below.