Climate Commission

As the effects of climate change become increasingly apparent in Perth and Kinross and across Scotland and world, governments at all levels are developing plans to reduce emissions. The Scottish Government Committee on Climate Change has set a national target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, in line with the IPCC recommendation that warming does not exceed 1.5 degrees above preindustrial levels.

Taking the necessary comprehensive and urgent action on climate change will require Perth and Kinross Council to work in partnership with our communities, businesses and organisations at an unprecedented scale. Climate Commissions bring together people and organisations from the public, private and civic sectors who work collaboratively to help drive, guide, support and monitor climate action

The Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commission (PKCCC) was formed May 2022 and had their first meeting July 2022. The Commission is an independent active leadership and support network for cross-sector collaboration and action on climate change. The Commission leverages expertise from across Perth and Kinross in order to engage and inspire collective ownership and a shared commitment to reaching net zero. The PKCCC was established by Perth and Kinross Council, in collaboration with the Perth City Leadership Forum.

The Commission will play a vital role in promoting a climate resilient future which is also fair and ensures that no one is left behind during the transition to a more sustainable future. The Commission will champion the delivery of the Perth and Kinross Climate Strategy and Action Plan.

Climate Commission formed to help steer Perth and Kinross's climate future

The Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commission (PKCCC) was formed May 2022 and had their first meeting July 2022.

Climate Commissions bring together people and organisations from the public, private and civic sectors who work collaboratively to help drive, guide, support and monitor climate action. The Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commission (PKCCC) provides independent active leadership and support for cross-sector collaboration and action on climate change. The Commission plays a vital role in promoting a climate resilient future which is also fair and ensures that there is climate justice.

The Commission aims to be diverse and inclusive, with applicants from a range of backgrounds. Commissioners were selected to cover a range of expertise and backgrounds. These individuals were selected by a panel of experts seeking to ensure a diversity of knowledge and experience on the Commission. 25% of members are aged between 14 and 24, helping to acknowledge the disproportionate impact that Climate Change will have on children and young people.

Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commissioners:

  • Martin Mathers
  • Steven Stewart
  • Nathan Jamieson
  • Anna Sibbald
  • John Ferguson
  • Emily McGregor
  • Richard Watters
  • Liz Barrett

The Commission aspires to be credible, visible, engaging, effective, and relatable. It is an independent body responsible for:

  • Scrutinising the initial roadmap developed by the Council (published December 2021)
  • Identifying ideas and good practice that should be promoted.
  • Shaping the expansion of and further development of the roadmap through co-production, guidance and feedback.
  • Promoting appropriate community engagement on climate change
  • Overseeing delivery of the roadmap and its impact through regular monitoring
  • Championing climate change and delivery of priority actions across Perth and Kinross
  • Using its influence across the public sector, private sector and in our schools and communities to drive the necessary urgent action
  • Consider the connections between the climate crisis and other ongoing pressures – including the biodiversity crises, increasing cost of living, fuel poverty, inequalities and health.